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Donations Needed


We are looking for all kinds of donations. Donating is the first step to helping single fathers in need.


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Cash Donations are greatly appreciated.  All the money donated helps better the futures of single fathers and their families.

Cash donations  will be used for medical and dental fees, debt issues. Some fathers just can't make ends meet and need that extra bit of help. To help build college and university funds. To help put kids in extra curricular activities that some Fathers just can't afford.

Together we can help pay bills, reduce debt and stress in Fathers life.


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Please click the red DONATE button and write us exactly  exactly

what you would like to Donate.

Please no furniture with rips or stains.

Please make sure all furniture and appliances are sanitary and work well. We are not a garbage dump, we are here to help make a difference.

Thank you.

Please click on the red Donate button and send us by email what you would like to donate, we will send someone out to pick it up within 24hrs of receiving your e-mail

DonationsI'm another title

Many single fathers struggle with eating healthy.

Donating healthy food is one of the best ways to help a family.

Eating healthy is most important for young growing kids and their concentration in school.

So please give if you can.

Please click on the red Donate button  and send us by email what you would like to donate, we will send someone out to pick it up within 24hrs of receiving your e-mail.

DonationsI'm a title

Canada is very cold during winter.

We want to see everyone dressed warmly. Clothes are rather expensive, so If you can donate old or new clothes it would be greatly appreciated.

Please make sure all clothes are in good condition and clean. Please click on the red Donate button and send us by email what you would like to donate, we will send someone out to pick it up within 24hrs of receiving your e-mail.



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